Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Why teal and orange is like sugar

Teal and Orange is a quick way to sweeten up imagery which has become omnipresent in modern industry of visual medias.
There are people that do not respond to it as they are supposed to, but they don't have the freedom for a choice, because it's grown to such extend that variability becomes diminished. Those are the people that suffer because their voices are suffocated under the weight of the masses. This is also a counteract to the ideal of freedom of speech, democracy and true emancipation for equality which should be the guiding ideal of a modern society. The variety and not the forceful limitation.
Medias is a huge part of culture and culture is a huge part of humankind itself. Of who you are and what the dreams and inspiration acting like a mirror of society.

Teal and Orange, luminose sharpening and overly defined pictures become easy gratification, but those ways show no compassion. Its like heavy compressed music, easily impressed without the sustaining weight. Of course its nice and gives you that quick reward, but it does not prevail.
Its like consuming media already digested, or fast food. You might want to enjoy a story, easy way is watching a movie- but if you really want a good story, take the time and read a book. It might be harder work, but the effect more compelling. Everyone should strife to strife for the highest level of compassion. If you get the quick route, you might be rewarded instantly but it might say something about your personality. You are shallow or unable to perceipt depth and complexity.
If your hungry or in the mood for something tasty, you might eat a burger or chocolate. But it can also make you addicted and it becomes a sickness. The body and brain unlearns to critizice and digest the information.

Critique is vital for longevity because it strenghtens the immunity to become addicted or easily seduced by the ruthless consumption of subjects.
Real art is basically hard work and constant re-evaluation of information for mind and body. That is why critique is so vital. If you unlearn to evaluate art on your own perception and understanding of the bases. Your mind starts to loosen the ability to criticize. And it will constantly lower the aspiration . That is why teal and orange and many other marketing tricks are acting like sugar. Decades of marketing have focused on how to manipulate consumers (you) the best and fastest. That is why the free market is dangerous. They want you as fast and quickly it gets. That is money, but also the need to impress. This world is dangerous and a constant exposition to threats. The critic is very important to help understanding and properly evaluate any information, because it helps you to stay alive.

Teal and Orange tones might look nice because they give you that instant warm and cozy feeling, add strong overall sharpness and the image gives you instantly, easy digestable information. Now this might be desirable but it gives the brain nothing to do. You loose the ability to interpret complex information. In the 70-90s people mightve been optimistic, needing bright colors and strong colors because of the war and all. Now movies are very subdued in colors and boosted in strong contrast and luminose sharpness. There is a constant warm orange going on in every single picture. Teal is a warm hue of blue. You get that sweet silky sugar of those warm colors thorough a movie.
But this is not a request or desire for warm and vibrant colors as in the 90s. It has become a sickness and urgent addiction to have those colors everywhere due to over-exposition. Its a simple question of marketing.

Additionally comes the need for very dark and depressing stories and developments. And you get a very dangerous or at least questionable mix for the brain to process.
Now you can go watch a movie that does strife off and offers all those requirements, expect you cant! Because its everywhere! Those are mainstream movies costing billions of valuable material and ressources. Those mainstream movies are a giant part of humans and society, of who and how your friends are and to what things they are exposed to. Those movies are mighty important for culture. I dont want to live in a society populated by people that are basically all addicted to sugar. But then you can also say "it's just a movie"...

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