Wednesday, June 10, 2015

What if Terminator: Genisys was not color-graded that heavily?
Here's a Trailer Screencap regraded to have more natural colors.

The upper is as it originally appeared in the Trailer.
The lower is re-graded to have more natural colors (at least more in the vein of the 90s).
Decide yourself which you like the best.

I think if a movie gets a sequel, one thing I could never stand, is when they completely depart from the original and look like they belong to a different universe. If you want a sequel, there should always be continuity and integrity in it's makeup. That does not only conform to the overall visual aesthetics, but also the soundtrack.
Some movies live so strongly on their soundtracks that are part of the whole film as a piece of united artwork.
Then comes a composer that does something completely different, NO, you can't do this!
This same happens for visuals and audio. If you want to try something out, or bring in your own personality, a long beloved pop-cultural series is NOT the place to do so!

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