Thursday, June 11, 2015

Weekly rant about teal and orange

Here is a short opinion and explanation of why teal and orange, or the modern sense of visual aesthetics is so completely off.

You often hear about modern-blockbuster-color grading supporters:

But those are two complimentary colors!

Don't give me that BS.
First. those are two contrasting colors, I know they go well with each other thorough the color-spectrum. But don't call that psycho-BS "complimentary" on me.
Second. In nature the two complimentary colors are actually RED and BLUE and continuously wonder myself, what happened to those two primary colors?
Because of the in-decisiveness? We want to be special! We want to give this movie a really special look!
With teal we can have green and blue at the same time, while having orange which is red and yellow the same time. How convenient! You can have the whole color-spectrum on the screen simultaneously, all-the-time!
But in the end it does look just like that. Completely de-graded, lack of direction, an undefined mess of homogeneity and ultimate visual diffusion.
It's like black and white all over again, but instead with teal and orange.

The extension of color-palette or visual tools is a giant BIG, FAT LIE!

Here are two examples of movies which pushed the look of teal orange to it's respective extreme end. They did it exactly of those reasons and the only they came up with, is pushing the modern color grading to either extreme end.
Completely lack of color-variety or "visual extension" as they like to call it.
In opposition it's the complete degradation and extreme restriction of any variety of color:

 (TEAL)     In the Heart of the Sea:

(ORANGE)     Mad Max - Fury Road:

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